Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kitchen Cabinet Organization

So I've accomplished quite a few organization projects over the past couple weeks. I'm giddy with organizing overload. Clean and organized= one happy mama :) I'll be posting my dollar tree organized pantry this weekend as well as taking you through my oldest sons organized and updated bedroom. Cant wait :) Until then take a peek at a few of my organized kitchen cabinets!

WARNING...these BEFORE pictures are pretty scary!! Actually more like terrifying :) To be honest though, I previously had other organizing baskets that I decided to change out. So while I searched for the perfect baskets, the cabinets looked like this:

I warned you :) $8.00 later (Love me some Dollar Tree) and a little bit of time they now look like this:

Here is a closeup to give you a peek at my labels. Have I mentioned yet that I LOVE clean and organized?

Cant wait to find something new to organize this weekend!! Take Care- I'll be back with more great posts this weekend!
